There are many private universities in the United States, including the most prestigious Ivy League. These institutions have the same fee structure, regardless of residence or nationality. The phrase “Ivy League” arose as a nickname for eight research universities in the northern United States.
They tend to be very expensive, but are also likely to have more open scholarship for which foreign nationals are eligible to apply.
They are very competitive, The eight Ivy League universities: Brown Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton and Yale. These are the American universities with the most stringent application processes, strict eligibility requirements and highest costs.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Duke University, Northwestern University and the University of Virginia, also have highly selective admission requirements and confer social and economic benefits on par with the traditional Ivy League.
Gain admission to any of these institutions and the student will receive a first-class education, the promise of an impressive resume, and career enhancing membership in a tightly woven network of alumni relations.
Ivy League universities are well-established intuitions and are said to have got their name from the ivy plants which frequently grow on the sides of their magnificent old buildings.
Ivy League members accept only a small percentage of those who apply. As a whole, they admit only about 18% of their applicants.
Ivy league universities in united states
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