Founded in 1943 at Los Alamos, New Mexico, Los Alamos National
Laboratory was established as part of the Manhattan Project, the US
government’s World War II efforts to develop a nuclear fission bomb. Los
Alamos signature facilities are aimed at giving researchers the tools
they need to conduct experiments on the frontiers of science.
The University of California (UC) managed Los Alamos since the Lab's
inception in 1942. However, in June 2006 Lab management was taken over
by Los Alamos National Security, LLC; a for-profit corporation of
partners that includes Bechtel National, UC, Babcock & Wilcox and
URS. LANS LLC makes around $83 million in annual award fees (ten times
UC's past fees). Overhead on LANL programs is just under 50% annually.
It is now a multi-program, multi-disciplinary operating under the
National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of three privately managed
facilities that conduct research on and design U.S. nuclear weapons,
along with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National
Los Alamos National Laboratory offers a wide variety of internship
opportunities to support student academic and professional achievement.
Student interns at Los Alamos National Laboratory are provided with the
chance to apply their knowledge while learning from some of the
brightest scientists and technical experts in the nation.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Food Coloring Chemicals
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